Announcing our Fall play!

Amelia and the Stupid Book

Performances December 5th, 6th, and 7th

A play about fitting in, your first crush, getting revenge, and reading a private journal.  In other words, just your average year in the life of a middle school student.                 

Rehearsal Schedule: 

Black light Scene- 

I want to thank everyone who showed up to audition.  Everyone did so great!  As always I was looking for people who could be loud on stage, be expressive and not have too many conflicts.  There were quite a few great actors that came to auditions, but had too many conflicts to be considered for the play.

Casting a show in a school is a difficult process.  A lot of different elements go into my casting decisions.  A director spends quite a bit of time with a script before the audition process even starts, reading it over and over again.  Which means that the characters are very much alive in my head.  I can hear their inflections, imagine their facial expressions… in other words I’ve really gotten to know them.  Sometimes one actor will come in and they portray a character exactly the way that I imagine them, and that is how an actor gets the part.  Another big factor can be behavior in past productions.  If I cast you before and you were always talking during directions, or never had your lines memorized when you were supposed to, then you may not be ready for a lead role.  

And finally, actors don’t get up on stage in a bubble.  They have to relate to other actors and connect with them onstage.  Sometimes two actors are able to get onstage and act as if they’ve known each other for five years instead of five minutes, and if a show needs that chemistry on stage, then those actors are going to get the roles.  There are a lot of elements you can't control, and if you didn't get the part you were hoping for, all I can say is keep trying!  Try out for the spring show and see what happens.  Don't give up, even though I know it can be really hard.